Incentive Finale

Winners of the annual sales contest celebrated in beautiful Mayakoba. Wanting to honor not only the attendees, but also the location, the finale evening was set in the town square and was smartly designed with traditional Mexican décor, entertainment, and food for a fun and inclusive event.
Client Industry

Home Building/Real Estate

Event Type

Incentive Trip


Mayakoba, Mexico

The Goal

Each year, this client hosts an incentive trip to reward their top realtors, and the owner wanted something special, something different, from previous trips. AMI was also tasked with finding new ways and opportunities for the leadership to connect with and thank their team. The CEO wanted to be able to engage with his brokers and learn from them.

The Achievement

AMI identified a location that excited the client and their team members—Mayakoba, Mexico. This was a destination they hadn’t been to and the hotel was not somewhere they would normally stay so it was a new, luxury experience for everyone. The enthusiasm that resulted motivated everyone to sell and succeed in order to win the trip.

AMI also worked to identify ways for the owner to connect and engage with the winners. Understanding this goal allowed us to focus the activities to meet his needs. The wide range of ages amongst attendees also allowed AMI to mix it up and provide new ways of spending time that appealed to the various demographics. In addition to destination selection and hotel sourcing, AMI handled all the marketing, contract management, food and beverage, and entertainment. It was a true end-to-end experience for the client. On the final evening, AMI planned a finale the client still talks about. By using local entertainment, instead of flying it in, attendees enjoyed a unique experience that could only be provided with local flavor and culture. The entire group was able to celebrate the winners, give awards, and connect.

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Finale featured - Andavo Meetings & Incentives